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Rep News May 2024: New Features & Updates

New Features: Sales Scenario Dashboard & Real-Time Assistance | Home Screen Refresh | Right-left language support | New case study: Eye Candy Pigments

Welcome to Rep news for May 2024. I have product updates, some company news, and a webinar to share today. Let’s start with the webinar:

Webinar: From AI to ROI

Webinar: From AI to ROI

This webinar has passed. You can watch the replay here:

Product Updates

Got a few good ones for you. Let’s start with the Home Screen refresh.

New Home Screen

We updated the Home Screen to be more useful and actionable. Here’s how it looks now:

Home Screen to be more useful and actionable

Let’s break it down.

Critical Numbers

Critical Numbers

We currently feature:

  • AI-generated sales

  • AI conversations

  • And AI-generated orders

Let us know if you think another metric or number is more critical to your business.

Conversations Section

Conversations Section

Here, you can view or jump straight into live chats with Live Conversations.

You can click “Total conversations” view and go to your Conversations screen to see your latest chats with shoppers.

That will take you to Insights —> Conversations, like this:

“Total conversations” view and go to your Conversations screen

From here, you can filter conversations by clicking on “Filters”

filter conversations by clicking on “Filters”

And then you can filter chats by device or category like so:

filter chats by device or category

You can filter by:

  • Top performing chats

  • Fallback responses (whenever the AI doesn’t know the answer)

  • Redirects to product page

  • Added to carts

  • Reported as helpful or unhelpful

  • Etc.

Conversations are a powerful feature, so be sure to visit them frequently. You will gain a lot of insight and raw feedback.

Let’s return to the Home Screen.

Account Optimization

Account Optimization

We’re always trying to nudge you to optimize your account. Maybe you forgot some critical information when you signed up. Maybe it’s your concierge avatar.

Use these reminder cards to keep your AI Concierge updated with the latest information on your store.

Rep Funnel

Rep Funnel

Here, you can view all the conversations initiated with disengaged shoppers.

Remember, Rep only proactively approaches disengaged shoppers. In this example, there were 59,162 visitors, and 3.72%, or 65 of them, were converted to buyers.

Unanswered Questions

Unanswered Questions

Here, you can find all the unanswered questions from shoppers. The most commonly asked questions will rise to the top of the list and should be considered a priority for you.

The question for you is, should you train your AI with a Custom FAQ? Or update the content and copy in your store, since the AI will prioritize site content first?

That’s it for the Home Screen updates. Let’s move to Real-Time Assistance.

Real-Time Assistance

Real-Time Assistance

We just released Live Chat Drop-In (see the above screenshot), in case you want to hop into a chat with a shopper.

By the way, you also DO NOT need any of the following integrations to drop into live chats:

  • Gorgias

  • Zendesk

  • Richpanel

Again, you don’t need a helpdesk integration to start talking to shoppers LIVE.

 you don’t need a helpdesk integration to start talking to shoppers LIVE

You can now respond to shoppers right in your console

Now, we’ve added Real-Time Assistance. In your Live Chat panel, if a shopper needs immediate help with something, you will see this notification:

Real-Time Assistance

Look for the red dot

Again, it works the same as Live Chat Drop-In, except chats are prioritized based on who needs help now.

And, like always, you’ll get an email notification if you’re not in your console.

Hope you find this feature helpful.

AI Test & Train page update

Sometimes, you’ll want to test and train your AI in preview mode before going LIVE. Go to the Test & Train page to preview how your AI responds to product or brand questions.

We recently just updated this page in case you want to give it further instructions to modify the AI’s responses.

We added that update here:

AI Test & Train page update

Again, the more instructive you are, the more your AI will behave on-brand.

Right-left languages

Right-left languages

We’ve added right-left languages like:

  • Hebrew

  • Arabic

The more languages, the merrier.

Product Finder and handling bigger catalogs

Now Rep can handle extremely large catalogs with no limit to scale. Before, over 200K products were the limit, and now it’s unlimited.

So now, the AI can handle the biggest of catalogs and work just as fast.

Sales Scenario Dashboard

We just added a new dashboard called “Sales Scenario.” Here, we want to show the context of the sale, not just the numbers themselves. You can find this under the Analytics —> Sales tab of the menu:

Sales Scenario Dashboard

Just scroll down until you see this:

Sales Scenario Dashboard

Here are some common Sales Scenarios:

  • Disengaged customers on a collection page

  • Disengaged customers on a product page

  • Disengaged customers on an out-of-stock product page

  • Disengaged customers on the homepage (new visitors)

  • Disengaged customers on the homepage (returning customers)

  • Disengaged customers on the homepage (returning visitors)

  • Upsell after add-to-cart

What about insights? Maybe it can help you:

  • Identify friction points in the shopper’s journey

  • Compare patterns from new shoppers and returning customers — how are their journeys different?

  • What else could be done on pages for out-of-stock items?

Please email us at [email protected] if this helps you or if there are ways we can improve this feature.

Updated Language Settings

To make language settings more findable, we placed them under Settings —> General here:

Updated Language Settings

You can find Language settings right under where you set your avatar or icon here:

Updated Language Settings

New Case Study: Eye Candy Pigments

If you don’t understand the power of AI conversations, then this case study might convince you.

As a solo merchant, Jeff Bergmann needed all the help he could get on a budget. But imagine getting inundated with support requests for $15 products and resellers wanting to learn about your wholesale program.

By analyzing his conversations, Jeff improved his Shopify tags (so they were more specific and represented the nuance of color) and improved his overall site UX.

Some really good lessons in this one. Enjoy.

Rep AI is hiring

We’re hiring for the following roles (all remote, btw):

We’re developing the most advanced AI model in eCommerce. Tell a friend.

Rep on the Nasdaq Billboard

In NYC this past week:

Until next time.

The Rep Team